Sunday 10 June 2007

The lawn is here!

The lawn has begun. After two weeks the young grass finally appeared

The sunflowers has not shown yet, and might never, but some peppermint have been planted. Linn has arranged for some protective measures as the garden is infested the evil brown snail. I`m considering putting up a trap for them, but I`m reluctant because of what this might do to my karma.

Remembering the Fern.

The fern that was moved in early may has acclimatized itself supremely and looks quite strong. It has been hot and dry here in the city of rain lately so on todays to-do-list there is a lot of watering to be done including the ferns.
Fred og Hygge to everyone.


Den tenksomme Vraslosken said...

Sjef, jeg savner Brattlien allerede.

Den Tenksomme Vraslosken er takknemlig for at dere tok meg inn i varmen og holdt meg unna regnet.

God Speed

Sjefen said...

muchas. jeg har kjøpt hageslange acessories nå. blir knall. skal ut og vanne nå. det er 22grader bak huset.

fint å ha deg i bratten kompis

ses nok snart skal du se ;)